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  • Ross Lake Resort

FAQ's for Ross Lake Resort COVID-19 Operations

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we have received thus far. We hope this offers some clarity while you are waiting to hear from us!

Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 Operating Plans

Why are the bunkhouses closed this season instead of closing some of the other cabins?

National Park Service housing policy requires our crew to each have their own bedroom. This requires us to devote several cabins to crew housing and will also reduce the number of staff we can have on-site. The three bunkhouses are the largest cabins (capacity-wise) we have at the Resort and we cannot maintain an adequate crew-to-guest ratio to operate safely under the reduced staffing numbers. If the NPS policy changes, we can consolidate our crew and bring on more staff to be able to open the bunkhouses.

Is it possible that your plans will change and you will re-open the bunkhouse cabins?

Yes. The bunkhouses must remain closed to start the season in order for Ross Lake Resort to comply with the mandatory National Park Service policy on crew housing. If the Park Service eases the policy on crew housing as a result of an improving COVID-19 situation, we will work to reopen the bunkhouses this season.

Is there a chance you be imposing any new limits on the number of guests staying in the Peak or Modern cabins?

We do not plan to impose new limits on occupancy for these cabins.

Who set the policy on crew housing?

The National Park Service established specific guidance for crew housing in 2020/2021 in response to COVID-19. We are required to follow this guidance.

Why did you decide to take rental cabins and convert them to crew housing?

We had to comply with the National Park guidelines on crew housing. Our staff usually live in shared communal housing. We must spread the staff out and dedicate a bedroom to each staff member. The only way to do this is to use rental cabins for crew housing.

You said you will have a limited crew this summer? How limited? Will this impact anything else?

We will be operating at approximately half of our usual staffing levels this summer. With the reduced lodging we will have in 2021 we believe this staffing level is sufficient to support our operations.

If I have a canceled reservation you said I would be given priority to pick up a canceled reservation. How will that work?

If you are interested in taking advantage of any cancellations we may have, please email us at

Will these policies be in place for 2022?

We plan to return to normal operations in 2022, COVID-19 issues permitting

What other COVID-19 policies will be in place to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19?

We have developed a detailed set of policies and procedures that are aligned with CDC, NPS, and Washington state guidance. We believe these policies and procedures will enable us to operate safely in a manner to protect our crew and guests. Similar to policies that you have seen elsewhere, our policies will focus on social separation and good cleaning/hygiene practices. We will be communicating more details about these policies as we get closer to summer.

Will the ferry run on its usual schedule?

Limited ferry service will be operating for the 2021 season for customers using RLR services (e.g., cabin guests or overnight equipment usage). SCL will REQUIRE passengers reserve with RLR in advance as there will be limited availability.

Will we be required to wear a face-covering?

In certain situations/environments we will be asking guests to use face coverings. Specifically, when on our passenger truck or on a water taxi boat – including “The CAT” – we will be asking crew and guests to wear face coverings. We will also be requiring the use of face coverings while inside our office.

Will your cabin cleaning procedure change?

Our cleaning procedures are in alignment with all CDC, DOH, and State of Washington requirements.

What medical supplies do you have onsite? What are your plans if someone gets sick?

We have multiple fully stocked first aid kits, AED's, as well as key tools used to help monitor symptoms of coronavirus (forehead thermometer, pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor). We also have a procedure in place for how to respond to a suspected COVID-19 case

Will the lake be full this year?

Yes. The forecast is for the lake to be full this year

Will camping be open on the lake this year?

Yes, camping on the lake will be open for the 2021 season. Visit the North Cascades National Park Service Complex for up to date information at

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